Grants, Learning And Entrepreneurship

Immersed in a society with high academic requirements and demands of professional skills, increasingly complex and specialized, students of Secondary Education, Higher Education College and young adults, with projections for further training and placement in work environments, extend their best-qualified personal and social world in search of better training facilities and maximizing budget resources that […]

President Facts

The announcer said the distraught face certain difficulties that the President had died in a plane crash. Few details. The information was diffusely accuracy. A hill in the central provinces covered in mist, rain, the inaccessibility of the terrain, an airplane pilot error where the president was traveling and miscalculations complemented the note. This scene […]

The Rhine Main Residence In Frankfurt

Residents talk now! The senior-friendly condos of the Rhine-main residence on the old farm Avenue are finished and sold already to a large extent. The first inhabitants have tested their new home through its paces now several months. How life in the Rhine-main residence? The spokeswoman of Vetter & partner, Viola Calsow, meets with a […]