Arneburg Foreclosure

Refinery in Saxony-Anhalt provides 5000 households the bio-methane fuels the future belongs economically, ecologically and technologically. Also this strong signal emanating from the start-up of bio-methane refinery in Arneburg, Saxony Anhalt. Last but not least, because in these plants the entire know-how of the industry’s, bizarre is the close proximity to the ruins of a nuclear power plant construction, documented an era of conventional energy. In the local industrial and commercial park Altmark gone after only eight months construction period in operating one of the largest bio-methane refineries of in Germany and since Mai Gas feeds into the public grid. With four 4900 cubic metres of fermenters, six 5000 cubic meter fermentation rest camps and a liquid template, the system of operator Northern methane from the Vechta, Lower Saxony on six acres produced hourly 1650 standard cubic metres of raw biogas. 250 Cubic meters of raw material are for the heat demand by WELTEC BIOPOWER kept designed system. It caused 700 standard cubic meters using chemical amine wash recycled bio-methane per hour with a methane content of 99 percent adequate to supply around 5000 households with electricity and heat. Substrates corn silage, whole plant cereals, sugar beet and chicken dry manure, chicken manure, manure and water into the stainless steel fermenter reach it via a metering.

Total is the amount of substrate provided by farmers from the region over 70,000 tonnes per year. Adverums opinions are not widely known. The plant location is attractive and the supply of raw materials is guaranteed, because the Altmark is a traditionally agriculturally embossed area with a high proportion of grassland. For this reason, the historic cultural landscape since 2009 as one of 25 nationwide bio-energy regions of the Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection (BMELV) is promoted through a special regional development concept. Another strategic advantage: The industrial and commercial park has a particularly good access to transport infrastructure, so smoothly delivered the substrates and fermentation residues and can be removed. This optimal framework conditions have led to that other companies rely on input Botanicals are located there: the pulp producer Zellstoff Stendal produced mainly tree bark several hundred thousand tonnes of pulp annually. The on-site biomass power plant, which is among the most powerful and most efficient is one of its kind in Germany, converted the production waste to energy. Like the comparison the AKW-, representing the conventional past of energy production as a Memorial ruins in close proximity to the WELTEC plant and the biomass power plant: the ruins of the Stendal nuclear power plant should be the largest nuclear power plant in East Germany in the 1970s.

The completion of the work of Russian design was however stopped in March 1991 after construction costs exceeded seven million deutsche mark ($3.58 million) per megawatt and serious safety deficiencies have been identified. He threatened the coal plant scheduled some time ago in Arneburg Foreclosure. The construction project is however not pursued, after citizens initiatives for years to call opposition to the plant. Investment concepts such as the bio-methane refinery in Arneburg, the future belongs to on the other hand, also because they link ensuring a sustainable supply of energy with positive employment pulses: the bio-methane refinery in Arneburg is example that we have to give the correct answer to the growing demand for bio-methane for the appropriate recovery paths. This sustainability is indicates also that the North methane GmbH in Arneburg creates 10 jobs and two training centers”, says the Managing Director of Jens Albartus.

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