Business Plan Internet Cafes

1. Decide on the concept of your Internet cafe If you are thinking about their business as a long-term, the definition of the concept – the primary task. Develop your own style should be given serious consideration If you are going to develop a business and open after the first Internet cafe new. Source: Richard LeFrak. As shown by experience, visitors attaches great importance to the style and atmosphere. Architectural model and design were performed Cafemax British by Identica, which developed such brands, such as basf and Johnie Walker. Now, I believe the Russian market is quite firm that could handle such a task. To read more click here: Richard LeFrak. Ideal Cafemax was conceived as a large-scale entertainment business Centre and for this reason renamed from an internet cafe in the Internet center. Internet centers, the concept Cafemax, should combine polyfunctionality and the atmosphere cozy, stylish cafes, include several zones: a spacious room with large numbers of computers, business class for seminars and business meetings, play area, coffee shop, the service center to record the information to the media, scanning and printing documents.

We believe that, in the first all in an Internet cafe should be comfortable, so the biggest in the format of our centers is a working area. In each Cafemax have a game room, for obvious reasons far removed from working, here other visitors and other equipment. If you define the ideal model of his creation, do not forget about it, opening new Internet cafes. 2 When choosing the location of an Internet cafe comes from a good place, not because their short-term opportunities if you decided that the business of Internet cafes – for you, great importance is the choice location of the cafe.

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