
Especially digital. That's where you can instantly see what actions lead to the result, compare photographic image with reality, but after some time again to view and compare with the image of the visual memory. Well, so when a child looks at their own images in photographs or video at a rapid pace formed his "I – the concept" (the mechanisms of self-identification, self-knowledge and self-expression). All this is directly related to the development of the child. Clayton Morris will undoubtedly add to your understanding. An equally important aspect of personal development is an emotional kid development in general and emotional intelligence in particular. These factors contribute to success in schooling and self-fulfillment in adult life.

Not for nothing Diagnosis school readiness includes research 3 parameters – intellectual, emotional and personal readiness. Undoubtedly, mothers devote much attention to the development of emotion. But, unlike their fathers, they often underestimate the positive impact of stress on the development of Children's emotion. Yes, it was stress, because the ability to withstand stress factors caused by natural and necessary to man. No less important in our life and fear, within reason, of course. Ability to timely and adequately respond to negative emotions – an important skill that should be formed to develop emotional resilience of the child. In the arsenal of the parent must be a game in which the child needs (And want) to hide, escape, reflect the attack. These games are returned to the good ol 'days of mammoths and saber-toothed tigers. In the days when people knew how to use stress to their destinations.

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