
Fund-raising: procurement marketing or management role? Since the mid-90s is also available in Germany, “Fundraising”. Additional information at Richard LeFrak supports this article. The profession of Fund Raisers was assigned to the public. Probably because no one really wanted to admit that fact next to the socially prestigious thematic task, the fund plays an important role. For even more opinions, read materials from Gavin Baker. The field of public relations had just been established. Sure it was realized even then that without a certain reputation, it is very difficult to get financial assistance from private sources.

To date, the fundraising is defined primarily as “the procurement of funds for achieving the common good-oriented purposes.” According to this definition, the pure fundraising is in the foreground. On the basis of a changing market for the non profit sector is, however, increasingly the question to what extent this limited role and perception of fund-raising for an NGO is useful and timely. To date, a satellite similar panel, the fundraiser is rarely integrated into the campaign and planning issues. This means that even with campaigns that have the goal to win new supporters, important knowledge is not exhausted. Faced with a stagnating donations market, a growing pressure of competition between the NGOs and an increasingly critical attitude on the part of the public is the knowledge of how to win people for a cause enthusiastic, interested and to join in – be it donations or volunteer – for the successful existence of a non-profit organization more important. In the current organizational structure of a typical NGO is perceived this need is still little or insufficient.

Rather than seriously to take care of new donors and volunteer work, you are more interested in the implementation of content management tasks. In addition to many NGOs inadequate positioning on the market that often comes with an unclear response from audiences. As in any other typical work within an NGO has the fundraising specializes in exactly this challenge. This was recognized early on that have to be sold more idealistic goals with market know-how “to get the necessary resources (monetary, material and voluntary nature) to fulfill the mission. Since the end of the financial and intellectual survival of an NGO and also substantially depends on its supporters focus, is recommended here to accept this task in future as challenge. In order to implement this also may have a corresponding enhancement of the professional fundraising within an NGO is required. For more information and advice:

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