
Sense of form If you use a lipstick, a cosmetic lip pencil – the indispensable attribute. Without it, make-up will look sloppy and unfinished. Hue pencil should fit the tone of lipstick. If you a fanatical fan of the classic lipstick, from a huge arsenal of cosmetic pencils for the lips you only have to choose just one – with a neutral shade or cold with a neutral warm. Our lips are full, thin or swollen, often – skewed. With the help of a pencil drawing of lips can be corrected. If not given a specific way, their form should seek to correct, classical, sometimes called "Onion Venus" because of the fact that the upper lip is shaped like a bow. If any correction is necessary to remember that the deviation from the natural pattern of lips should not exceed 1-2 mm, then the result will look as natural. Thin lips, you can visually make it more complete, if you use light colors or pencil applied to the outer contour of lips. Full lips visually reduce a dark matte shades when using them for internal contour of the lips. There is today a so-called lipstick pencil, use it a lot easier and you can never go wrong with the color of the contour. Color rules Eyeliner can be for internal and external century. Not the best version – the universal pencil, because there is a fundamental difference in the composition of pencils, namely the balance of different waxes and pigments.

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