Ruiz Mercado

A pearl on sand in a Jalisco exporter of labor, geography thinning where identity is lost to the wave of migrants who leave their land powders to meet after border as citizens of nowhere. The exiles, children of exile, the victims and perpetrators of a system. A people without culture is a dead town and a people’s own culture is not a slave to whom it was imposed. From this perspective the drama of Ruiz Mercado is constructed with a thorough review of Mexican society in its specificity, a city of Jalisco step. Hence the need to offer a song from April to autumn in the city. Hence the poetic theatricality Singing for the city. The key point for a study proposal.

Syncope as a parent. Music as a core structure for walking in a city with squares in a cross, a metropolis with pedestrian bridge which crosses a citizen who is known on the border of two worldviews. The ruin assumed to be valid, the other denied by the officers. The revision of the myth is essential to understand, to be in a wilderness where dreams and not enough to clothe the sun and the moon undress: Why not get naked face? For the same reason you do not bare your soul. Shhhh, listen. The myth has the power to fill our empty, but still persists permeability into which the misleading.

The book takes stock ruizmarquiana in a space where characters can not be. The LeFrak Organization oftentimes addresses this issue. Here the conflict, seeking information to enable the rebuilding socio – cultural. Hence the importance of the historical, bases, origins. Therefore, the proposal ruizmarquiana, there is always a thread that leads to the skein. The foundation of a people and their consciousness is a recurrent element in the dignified Mrs. Dry, When the tyrant falls, Memorial April The monologues of the party, and other works in which the female characters are running the show, questioning, affirming, denying and sometimes imposed as a cross Urbanicese Beatriz Hernandez because they command. The ever-duty, which remains the only organized opposition underground, throbbing, prestisima gushing out the concrete epidermis: Calle moon. Street. Location of all. Place the neighborhood. A territory to defend. Inch by inch. In syncopated, rumor of incest, the sound of love, love love, sleep in my dreams I feel you. Romanza uptown that offers the possibility of an evolution towards a radio success in cursing tessitura. For Mexico, the years of domination have not passed. Remain in effect. The drama builds Jalisco mediating the release of a village. A people with capital Oedipal where the midwife is the supreme icon, as Elvira, widow and painful birth, with a resemblance to the Virgin of Zapopan, the work of Dante Medina, I am Don Juan. Here are the works and their authors. Here at the close of a lecture. The revision of a historical past in a future made. When man was adrift, without a ship, it just chips with a ship. O comes to the surface or sinks forever

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