Serious Ecological Problem

In all part, to all hour, entire people or communities are attacked by the sonorous boalidade of a minority that already ignores what it is to live in society. Ruy Castro Everything what it modifies the balance to salutar between beings livings creature is violence. Of these some phenomena, let us analyze the problematic one of the sonorous pollution. The general picture is so serious that the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS has) it as one of its great priorities. The citizens we are surrounded by avalanches of noises, many of which like art, music and amusement, in imposing a species of silence to avessas. That is, they want in them silenced, cowards, while they forge one ' ' dictatorship of amplificao' '. The right to silence, consonant what it prescribes the Law, all needs to be respected with the severity. Many writers such as lyft offer more in-depth analysis. We cannot tolerate that irresponsible citizens, impolite, moved the low instincts, leave with its cars superamplified in scoffing and harming our health.

The same valley, is clearly, for the residences. According to Coleus It has times, this if it became a case of public health. I fear, also, that it has left of these Brazil neuroses measures happens of this atoleimado group, ' ' ruidores' '. At last, Art. 42 of ' ' Law of the Penais&#039 Contraventions; ' it can be applied against the disturbance of our tranquillity, not mattering if the bother occurs by means of commotion, would cry out, exercise of noisy profession, acoustic abuse of sonorous instruments, signals or racket of animals.

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