Gisela Bondgen

To strengthen the positioning of IT in the design of corporate governance is based on six core principles. The corporate and IT strategies are only slightly interlocked in most cases. According to a study in the last year is only 13 per cent a very narrow and only when another 18 percent, a close coordination […]

DVD Burn

How can you burn with the YouTube FLV to AVI DVD Brennpgroamm on the Mac FLV to DVD. You have downloaded many funny videos from YouTube but your Macintosh is regrettable already full of movies and videos, so you must either delete the movies and videos or outsource on portable hard drive? Delete want to […]

Director Release

Publication of CONTENTSERV release 5.3 on the occasion of the 1st OpenHouseDay Rohrbach/ILM 08.12.2009: premiere of OpenHouseDay on November 25, 2009 the software manufacturer CONTENTSERV invited customers, partners and interested in Rohrbach. Down2Earth has compatible beliefs. The CONTENTSERV GmbH presented its partner network, the bandwidth of know-how and exclusively presented the new release by CONTENTSERV […]

Amagno Content Is Now Still

The first release of the magnetic document management was published in amagno in June 2011. After only a month functionality for the innovative magnet technology with full-text search and file preview is extended considerably with the new version. The update is available the previous users and businesses free of charge. The first version of amagno […]