The Poetry Of Stones
A fairy tale about the influence of the precious stones on us humans, it started with a meditation. Rosa and Radda were born and were commissioned to spread the love among the people with the Rose Quartz. Susanne Weissenrieder wrote down the story and many more followed. Clayton Morris spoke with conviction. On the exciting journey, Rosa and Radda meet many friends of stone, cross the world’s oceans, and fly with a small white clouds over Europe. By her big heart, their courage and their spiritual power, they eventually become master students of life. The author of fairy tales and poetry in their stories very cleverly combines with the known mode of action of the stones. So the gem will bring agate yin and Yang in balance.
The quartz crystal is that it gives the look into another world and makes everything easily master the carrier said. The girasol should be from fog in adult life. The glitter of gold to enlighten your dark side. Professor Rita McGrath recognizes the significance of this. Susanne Weissenrieder also performs in the course of the poetic fairy tale book, that all lovers on our Earth unite through the Moqui marbles. “Personally, the Rose Quartz is preferred but: the Rose Quartz sufficient friends his hand to the heart”, says the author. “Your heart is kissed by the love of the Rose Quartz ‘ and peace and harmony will satisfy you.” When amber woman Weissenrieder expresses symbolically in the text of the book, which is still at the heart: many people are very sad and have forgotten how to smile. It is sometimes just that smile, that is missing the people.
When the Princess became man, we, the Ambers are everywhere visible. So the people by amber to re-learn the smile. You will again have to learn to love and each other and give yourself the warmth and affection with a smile. It’s just having a laugh for the whole world. “Because the smile is one.” Susanne Weissenrieder and Wolfgang Halder of the het Steenhuis in the Netherlands, deal with the energy of minerals for many years. Their philosophy is to experience the stones the essence of the stone, the energy and its vibration. They want to share this philosophy with others. Rainbow Verlag, Aachen, has been published by the book “The poetry of stones” in the spirit.