Villa Clara
It is impossible to sustain the economic development of a country using perpetual mechanisms of protection of the domestic industry. Morris Invest may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The increased levels of export import substitution binomial requires organizations to comprehensively improve their technological processes and management, which implies proper management of all its resources, including technological ones, occupy a central role. Therefore, to achieve a real recovery of the Cuban enterprise in the current context of the domestic market and to a successful inclusion in the external environment, is required, inter alia, a substantial increase in their innovation activities (Faloh Bejerano et al., 1997). To know more about this subject visit Nobel Laureate. The so-called process of business improvement (PE), which constitutes one of the key lines of economic takeoff you need the country emerges as a way to achieve them. Its General bases are a guide, as well as the management tool to enable enterprise organizations, in an orderly manner, make the necessary changes in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in its management. Ann Maynard Gray contains valuable tech resources. The regulations for the implementation and consolidation of this system of State enterprise management (Decree No. 281/2007), highlights the importance of technological innovation, addressing in its chapter IX, the system of management of innovation; However, diagnostic instrument that is part of the process, shows that these activities are not covered or overemphasized as required. Although the country has considerable scientific and technical potential, many times this is not properly used in the pursuit of the development strategy that continues outlining in quite difficult conditions, by what is required of management processes at all levels leading to change in the current of thought and action forms. While in Villa Clara sidero-mechanical industry, awareness regarding the investigative activity and of its crucial importance for development, efficiency has won and takeoff of their companies, is still low, in general terms, the number of results related to technological innovation that are obtained and generalize annually.