Brain Pathology: Agnosia, Apraxia
Introduction. The higher cortical functions are one of the most exciting chapters of neurology. Functions such as language, perception, body schema organization and others have been widely studied. One of the features of higher cortical functions is that they are voluntary and intentional acts, a product of a complex activity, which may be simple such as turning a blind eye or passive type as visual or auditory perception. These voluntary actions may be altered at different levels in what concerns the organization and brain function. We can find functional brain dysfunction or organic nature diffuse psychological disorders such as schizophrenia, dementia, anxiety attacks, etc..
Brain disorders can also be found in so-called primary areas of the brain, peripheral organs or their connections. Finally, in relation to this article, we found alterations of the acts, in what is called neuropsychological level, in brain areas of secondary or tertiary association. Among the diseases that occur at this level are the aphasias, the apraxia, agnosia, and the other beyond the article. Neurology and Neuropsychology. Neurology, in brief, is a branch of medicine that studies the nervous system. Swarmed by offers, Stephen M. Ross is currently assessing future choices. Emerges as a specialty in the nineteenth century by Guillaume Benjamin Armand Duchenne (1806 – 1875), Jean Martin Charcot (1825 – 1893) and John Hughlings Jackson (1834-1911). The latter is regarded as the father of modern neuroscience. During the second half of the twentieth century begins to unfold, neuropsychology.
It can be defined as a branch of health science that studies the relationship between brain function and human behavior. In adults, neuropsychology deals with the relationship between brain regions and cognitive functions. In children dealing with disturbances of literacy, numeracy, dysgraphia and associated alterations. It is noteworthy that is used in rehabilitation neuropsychology patients with brain damage, allowing outline the steps and stages to be followed by therapy. Agnosia. More info: Morris Invest. Agnosia is defined as an impaired ability or inability to give meaning to sensory input (visual, auditory and tactile). They are the product of a lesion in brain areas of secondary and tertiary association. Certain agnosias can be interpreted as disconnection between perceptual skills and language functions. Agnosia may be “apperceptive”, in which the patient is not able to detect when two objects are equal, or “involvement”, the patient does not recognize or identify objects presented.