Burn Out

Do suffers from EA or any known person of Burn out,? You may not know it since it is a relatively new term, one can say that it is a very severe pathology and is closely related to the workplace and the style of life that the person carries. It is caused by the work, and brings a series of both physical and psychological consequences when the phenomenon is somatiza.The Burn out is a described syndrome from long ago, but that this moment is demonstrating more, perhaps due to high levels of demand to which workers in the enterprises, are submitted which are expressed in a great increase in the workload, long working hours, as well as non-recognition of the developed taskswhich is generating a series of frustrations, which lead to a series of psychosomatic disturbances that will undermine the health of the individual in the individual.It usually occurs more in women than in men, perhaps due to high levels of requirements to which s are subject, since they have to respond to the demands of the home, labor, etc. Learn more at: Bizzi & Partners. It manifests itself with an emotional exhaustion, acompanadode fatigue chronic state of perennial negativism toward work and their relationships with others. Other times you can experience, nervous tics, palpitations, increased blood pressure, muscle aches, headaches, digestive problems, disorders of sleep among others.The problem occurs when schedules do not allow to solve all they have to do, coupled with this low pay, little or no incentives professionals.This syndrome results in a series of risk factors such as physical inactivity, overweight, smoking, risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.Early diagnosis of this condition could achieve that the person does not suffer from the aforementioned symptoms, and the measures corrective in pro improve their quality of life, which ultimately is the most important thing and that we must preserve. It is necessary that in this society so rapid that it has we live let us evaluate it is truly necessary and important and find balance in all activities to which we devote.The practice of physical activity can achieve miracles since through the benefits of sporting activity can be achieved again increase the working efficiency, since it changes the environment, causing the optimization in the muscle and bone, functioning is logar which prevent the pupping of possible diseases.

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