Canary Islands
Once Vesma known tomatoes were no bigger than currants and berries are in the same form, there are their wild relatives on the pristine lands in Mexico, Peru, the Philippines and the Canary Islands. In the south of our country’s tomatoes were grow in the 18 century, and in non-black soil areas, only 90 – 110 years ago. Tomato juice contains sugar as well as large amounts of fructose and glucose, various kinds of organic acids dominated by , citric, malic, tartaric, and even – Amber. Tomato juice with all the grounds can be called a product – a multivitamin. Particularly high content of vitamins E and C and carotene in orange and yellow tomatoes contained more gorazdno than in the red. Of the various phenolic compounds are those which are known choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, kapillyaroukreplyayuschee, protivoskleroticheskimi, as well as antimicrobial properties. Tomato juice is rich in magnesium, potassium, sodium, cobalt, iron, zinc, there is iodine, calcium, vanadium, chromium, fluorine, copper, and different, etc. This juice – the most widely used juice and, at the same time, one of the most useful. Acid organic intensively involved in the process of exchange in the body.
How nutritious food and he needed everything, but mostly people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases as well as breach exchange functions. It must be remembered – raw tomato juice causes a reaction in the alkaline nature of our organizme.Poetomu when we consume it we need to eliminate concentrated starches and sugars, because the reaction will be acidic rather than alkaline. Tomato juice refreshes the body, strengthens, and as he is . The presence of vitamin C is not inferior to citrus juices. A couple of glasses of tomato juice completely satisfy daily body’s need for vitamin C. You tomato juice completely suppresses the reaction of rot in our intestines, activates the exchange of a harmonious body. Surprisingly, most recently, the juice was suspected that he, though, activates salt deposits. Its forbidden to eat with gout, poliatritah, mochekislom diathesis . However, after more careful study of the structural composition of tomato juice, the allegation is denied. Tomato juice can be drunk in its pure form or together with other juices. For example, a “cocktail”: tomato juice, pumpkin, apple, lemon (2:2:4:1) is very useful as a nutritional product, and as an excellent tool against obesity. Tomato juice as it ‘makes’ liberated, not in vain it was called’ apple of love. ” And in conclusion: noni juice (noni) has all the qualities of tomato juice just to multiply large scale quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The joint use of these juices will give a powerful healing effect for your body.