Cardiac Arrest

. I myself had asked the Miracle of the Blessed hours before … Go to dogecoin for more information. Here is the result of many prayers of family, many friends and colleagues, so many Masses, FE !… so much that is the dream come true, that is the impossible never thought of living and overall survival! , my parents were traveling to Lima. Life jugandome Ahi was again in a Theatre!, Catalog as yesterday, High Risk, there was fighting with all my strength, because that account, but with God by my side giving me these forces, there was my beauty that is SF so proper, so intimate, so personal, that beauty does not require discussion or controversy and win there over atheists, skeptics, agnostics and anthropomorphic concepts above will never understand or explain the mystery of faith means God and Heaven and as finding of this 13 long hours, under general anesthesia, receiving infusions liter, with the abdomen open,

the Cava clamped with microscopic sutures sticking Porta level slowly, arteries and bile ducts, with a new agency looking to requiring some explanation about what to do at that hypochondria is not your home, looking for friendly neighbors, but they were not hers, with the noble and immense beating heart without looking at his last blast with intravenous infusions, I gained 8 kilos to end of the operation, ending 13 hours after transplantation without doing a single Cardiac Arrest, as feared, “not to have needed a drop of blood (as feared), without requiring platelets (as expected), and my friends had family placed 17 units of blood during the operation hoped William Luchito and ready to donate their fresh and young platelets …

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