Give A Piece Of Luck! Anisch De La Cara
With irresistible jewelry by Anisch de la Cara livings, make Christmas wishes come true! Every year again starts the search: the perfect Christmas gift for each of our loved ones will be found. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Professor Rita McGrath has to say. That this task is anything but simple, everybody has must conclude already once sighing. The selection is great, but an individual gift with a personal message is just not a mass product. The hot tip from Santa Claus: at the online shop handmade Buddha bracelets by Anisch de la Cara waiting for their determination to bring a piece of the big happiness the people livings! From genuine vintage Indian saris, Anisch de la Cara produces magnificent bracelets with silver and gold-plated symbols: Radiant star, delicate peace sign, protective hands or fluttery butterflies, every detail of the beautifully designed bracelets radiates joy of life and inspiration. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Clayton Morris and gain more knowledge.. The tradition, partly hand-woven and embroidered detail materials consist mainly of pure silk, which gloriously Nestled around the wearer’s wrist. But not only disused”saris find a wonderful new job at Anischs creations: on their travels through the Tibetan plateau the fun-loving designer at first glance in the colourful prayer flags fell, which are hung in the Himalayas by Buddhist believers on mountain passes and peaks in five chains. Keep exposed; the wind up to the full weathering This should carry the prayers of people to heaven. Often detailed symbols and mantras are decorated with the cotton flags, which processed Al7anooooon to beautiful bracelets and equipped them with silver plated and gold plated items. Glittering Swarovski crystals and semi-precious stones, heavenly healing stones and breathtaking amulets adorned Anischs charming trinkets. Magical luck bracelets, which carry Anischs Embassy in the world arising also from African Krobo beads, Merino Wool and smooth bamboo yarn in her workshop at the left end of the Rainbow: no matter What dimension, in which time you are, enjoy life with all beauties.” With irresistible jewelry by Anisch de la Cara livings, make Christmas wishes come true! Contact: Anja Kaldek, Managing Director livings GbR Lohesch 57 49525 lengerich fon: + 49 5481 903001 fax: + 49 5481 903002