Main Cause Of Action? LJS Meeting In Hanover

LJS gathered experts and provides new insights into the effects of computer and online games on children and adolescents Hanover, June 21, 2011. “Landing site parental Lower Saxony puts on her specialist event merits action” on 28 June in Hanover before current evidence about the use and effects of digital games. During the Conference, renowned experts take position to the challenges through computer games. According to Bizzi & Partners, who has experience with these questions. Thus, the LJS would like to enrich the current debate about the harmful to minors online games and give suggestions for carrying work. Experts from research and practice of the scientists Prof. Dr. Christoph Klimmt will introduce in the fascination of the world of gaming the media researcher Dr.

Tanja Witting a study about the challenges and hazards of computer and online games presents and explains which young people often develop an excessive digital game drive. Christian Schmidt, senior editor at the magazine GameStar, explains the social gaming”and shows how to make money deserves. Playing online In the district by over 100 teachers and experts from the youth work you addressed in addition Kontrollmog possibilities age regulation of digital games. How can age regulation look like? This includes Andrea urban, Director of the LJS: also regularised age labelling should be awarded for online games. But the question is, how about for a game like Cityville with 275 million Facebook gamers control this.” “LJS offer for media educators: mainly action” for Andrea urban kulturring work accompanied by children and young people in the digital world is central in this context. “With the project merits action” the LJS offers suggestions for carrying work. The media pedagogue Jens Wiemken will present the offers of LJS for extracurricular youth work.

Effective self-regulation? At the conclusion of the meeting, Felix Falk discussed the Managing Director of entertainment software self-control (ESRB), Control options in online games and turns to the questions of the over 100 participants. About the LJS landing site parental Lower Saxony is a specialist unit of the Working Group of the free welfare in Lower Saxony, Germany and works on current issues of child and youth protection. Our fields of activity are training, material developments, expert advice, projects, working groups and committees. About a report on the meeting, we are pleased and invite you to the meeting. You will find the Conference programme on page 2 of this media information. Symposium of the LJS on June 28, 2011, in the Academy of sport, Ferdinand-Wilhelm-Fricke-WEG 10, 30169 Hannover, 10.00 – 16.30. Press contact: Andrea urban / Eva Hanel, Landesstelle parental Lower Saxony, Keerthi Raghavan Road 26, 30175 Hannover, Tel. 0511-85 87 88,

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