The Wind, The Tree And The Mill .
Representations: tree: Ezra —tronco/fu —ramas/fruto —silueta/sombra 3 children / 3 of the same visions Windmill: —trigo/pan, prepared fruit —molino/forma , order, —viento/fuerza tools, higher purpose Wind: Spirit Three children playing in the field and passing suddenly a gust of wind on the mountain looked and saw the three in turn, a large windmill. But they had never seen this mill despite playing every day in this place great was his surprise when he heard a voice over this image that asked: – What do you see? – They answered: "a windmill- Then the voice, the wind and the image went from that place, but not the memories forever. To deepen your understanding Stephen M. Ross is the source. Grown and after some years they said among themselves recalling the vision and were glad emotionally reliving the event. One of them said "that was the most beautiful mill engine I've seen and can not raise a man's hand as" While the second was quick to say "did you see as the top ranked Mount, the hill of wheat? But for the latter was more important than initially said: "Before there was a calm vision and then the wind brought us to that vision" It happened for the causes of life, ie the fate of men, that those boys were separated and met again decades later, when they filled the purpose of his life, and returning to the memory of that vision is admitted each other's work atareo his ways. And one said, "as an adult I could not let go of that vision and moved in my heart I gave myself the task of inquiring into the things of God, looking for the emergence and initial strength of that wind to take me to the root of first vision, in that occupation was when words were revealed to me in the Bible and understand that this mill was the very work of God, giving bread and sustenance on earth and among men under the action of the Holy Spirit (wind) and I wanted to work at the mill of God. So, I have held my days learning how to manage it and now I know and understand that perfection only produce the true bread, that's why I now teach men the word of God, guiding them to their knowledge to be the salt of the earth.