Therapeutic Role Of Music

space. It is known that music soothes the pain, relieves stress, has a positive effect on the psyche of the child. Thanks to well-selected music can decrease blood sugar levels in diabetes, the child open world, diverted from his illness and is recovering. Also, music affects the heart rate, body temperature on the child, on arterial blood pressure on a child's brain, activating connections between nerve cells and even the ability to adapt to heat and cold. See Lincoln Property for more details and insights. How does this happen? The thing is that the musical sound is perceived as a process, during which alternate and interact with different images, contrast, there are ups and downs, transformation, change of dynamics and statics, stress and rest. That is what gives the music the force of impact. Argue that even passive, regular perception of children especially selected music activates the visual perception, improves attention, short-term memory and improves performance of verbal and nonverbal intelligence.

In ancient Greece, Plato created a musical Paideia, the first ever example of a coherent philosophical system of continuous musical upbringing and education. The philosopher believed that the music sounds like live art in the world and is of earthly existence, and in the world and the eternal systematic training, namely, without any development of education, sooner or later stops. The question naturally arises: how to change music education in connection with this discovery? When it should begin and end with what? But parents can not wait until the dissolve is not recognizing the scientific evidence Ministry of Education, when reorganizing government and culture will begin, finally, the right to teach in kindergartens and in music schools. Parents need to be and act, because children are growing up and missed time can not be undone. There are effective techniques that anyone who wants an attentive parent to allow a maximum

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