A Few Problems In Lending To German Companies.

German companies easy access to new loans, Southern Company, however, hardly! Unlike with companies from southern Europe, which receive only rarely loans, have German companies to get any problems on loans. Only 19 percent of the surveyed companies about restrictive approval of loans by the banks complain it according to a survey. The corresponding results […]

Economic Engine Hums

In SMEs, it runs about as long. The companies expect rising sales, they want to invest and hire new staff. The spring surveys show that. The upturn has arrived not only in the middle class. Instead he supported even by him”, said the CEO of Deutsche Industriebank, Stefan local SOAP. Continue to learn more with: […]

Marklin Fans Buy Their Own Factory

The debt, which are accrued at the model railway manufacturer Marklin amounted to over EUR 100 million. The 150-year-old traditional company had to file for bankruptcy in February. Dr. Norbert Scholz and Stefan divine are managing director of MLT model railways subsidiary in Berlin. The company was created to acquire capital to rescue the company […]

Dolphin Uses Its Store Concept For The First Time

A successful premiere that traditional brand Dolphin for a wide and partly unique range of premium water care products that is both technically and optically consistently geared towards the demands of sophisticated swimming pool owners. Therefore, the brand associated with the chemical form of AG is recognized for many years as a powerful partner in […]

New ELA Base In Gross Ippener

Mobile room systems for the region Bremen and Oldenburg ELA container, specialist in mobile space systems based in Haren (EMS), has opened at the beginning of the year a new base in Gross Ippener. Big Ippener is located directly on the Autobahn a 1 and is conveniently connected to the regions around Bremen, Oldenburg and […]