
Unshared joy is a candle without PIN.Proverb, Spanish is has said, that to the be attentive and not neglecting what the environment in where us copes bequeathed us, we can find lessons that can help us to grow, move forward while we we journey by this dimension, find tools, lights that can help us towards our spiritual transformation, transcend as some emphasize the ordinary relidad and lift us into the realm of the unlimited and attain the lovethe realization and the fullness. It corresponds to each activate our divine potential that has been given us, be proactive in all things that help us grow, namely the opportunity of life that is given to us. In this opportunity, we contributed some thoughts that other hikers have left us to move us into the Alchemy of transforming our weaknesses into strengths, see take advantage of our life time granted and learn from our experience, that learning that can help other transeutes to wake up, get motivated, keep his candle lit by where you must walk.

Contributions pride can infiltrate into our life very easily, and from time to time, it is good that ‘go down one smoke. We need to remember that we must not have a concept of us higher than the due is easy to be proud when we stayed in our own circles of life. But when we throw in larger, with greater demands, pressures and competition situations, we impact us to realize that large of small lagoons fish shrink quickly in a big ocean. We have all spent many days or weeks, without receiving any gesture of love of neighbor.These are difficult moments, when body heat is gone, and life is reducea an arduous effort to survive.In those moments in which the ajenono fire gives heat to our soul, we must review our own home.We need to add more charcoal and try to illuminate the room oscuraen that our life was transformed.When we hear that our fire crackles, wood creaks that embers glow or stories that the flames have, hope it will be returned.If we are able to love, we will also be able to be loved.It is nothing more than matter of time Paulo Coelho but do not write books, you are the writer of your life.If you’re not Miguel angel, you can make your life a masterpiece.Even if you don’t understand film, or cameras, your existence can transform into a beautiful film with producer God.Even though you sing de-tuned, your existence can be a beautiful song that any famous composer envy.

Even if you don’t understand music, your life can be a magnificent Symphony that would respect the classics.Although you have not studied in a school of communications your life can transform into a model report.Even if you don’t have great culture you can cultivate the wisdom of charity.Even if your work is humble, you can convert your day in prayer.Even if you have forty, fifty, sixty or seventy years, you can be young spirit.Although wrinkles already set your face, your inner beauty is it worth more.Although your feet bleed on the trip and stones in the path, your face may smile.Although your hands to retain the scars of the problems and the misunderstandings, your lips can thank.Although bitter tears up through your face, you have a heart to love.Even if you don’t understand it, in heaven you have reserved a place.Everything, everything depends on your confidence in God and your efforts to be worthy of his son.It projects your life from the inside, will be the miracle! Gives you time to work, is the price of success gives you time to think, is the origin of the poderDate time to love and be loved, is the privilege of the gods gives you time to play, is the secret of eternal youth gives you time to read, is the foundation of wisdom gives you time to dream, is as hook your car a star gives you time to make friends, is the way to happiness gives you time to look to your around, the day is too short to be selfish gives you time to laugh, is the music of the soul remember of what buenoCuando the sky is gray: remember when getting dressed deeply blue.When you feel cold: think of a radiant Sun that already you have heated.When suffer a defeat: remember your triumphs and your achievements.

When you need love: relive your experiences of affection and tenderness.Remember what you’ve experienced and what they’ve found Alegriarecuerda gifts that have done you, the kisses you have given, the landscapes that you’ve enjoyed and the laughter that you have emanated.If this has tenidoLo can return to tenery what you’ve accomplished, you can win again it.Rejoice for the good that you have and by the others; discards the sad and painful memories, you do not hurt you more.Think good, what kind, beautiful and in truth.Runs your life and stop where there are beautiful memories and emotions healthy and live them again.He displayed that evening that you touched.Relive that spontaneous caress than are you dioDisfruta again of the peace that you’ve already known, thinks and lives the good.

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