Housing Stock

This, if anything, is even more challenging in Valencia due to the greater fragility of its productive system, which is causing a rise in unemployment at a higher rate than in the whole country. The fall of outbound tourism, Spain just lost its second place ranking in the world after France, leaving it to the U.S., it affects us more than the rest: 22% in the first four months of the year, compared with 12% nationally.

Also our housing stock is substantially higher. Consider that while not sold, even at half its current price, as has happened in the U.S., money is not frozen them back into the economic system to encourage the production well. What happens then with the sun and beach tourism? What great political events? What about the industrial structure of small firms in traditional sectors uncompetitive? Then you will have to reverse everything, like a sock. The aforementioned Professor James Child argues that as a result of the crisis, will arise “new more efficient sectors such as biotechnology, logistics or what I call the world, repair, reuse, recycling, …” Go on just everything for which we have not been prepared.

So too, the Catalan professor predicts that natural selection is enforced only survive current large and very small businesses: “Who will go the worse it is the median company, which has 25 100 employees,” ie, many of Valencia. Who is more aware than anyone that all this requires a political dynamic is not showing the Consell Camps is the president himself. So it is more than likely an extensive remodeling of the Valencian Executive after 7-J. To make matters worse, the case has shown Gurtel also the lack of grip for most of Councilmen and the need for someone as experienced as Rafael Blasco cogiera that difficult bull by the horns. Paradoxically, it also has caught the history of Orange contrapie Market has been a Alart Jorge, who maintained a calculated maneuver to reach the presidency of the Generalitat in 2015, passing through Les Corts, of which now is absent. The precipitation of events forced him to revise his schedule.

So, as the European election results, could radically change strategy. The future of Valencia is therefore more open than ever.

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