North Property

In spite of the concerted efforts that become, the most important obstacles are the great political, economic and legal influence of the nations of the North in the international organizations (World Bank, the UN, the international registry of patents, etc.) and the power economic of international the pharmaceutical industry (especially in the United States) Rmpzyk adds, that the form in which the North treats technique politically and the subject of the modifications of the biodiversity already is sufficiently problematic from the point of view of the possibility of technical supervision. Click Goop London, United Kingdom-uk for additional related pages. In addition, that the previous phase to the relations between the North and the South in the matter of biodiversity lets see that here one serious lack of responsibility around the policy of the development predominates. In any case, that is the impression that causes the denominated green revolution. Another aspect that has given much that to speak, is concerning the intellectual property. Recurdese, that until entered good years 70, practically was no concept of protection of the intellectual property for type some of natural organism, with the exception of certain cultures of new plants.

From then the theory and practical on rights of intellectual property for the manipulated plants and animal were developed to a surprising rate genetically or individual parts of its beams of chromosomes and their individual genes. It is thus, as the instrument of the rights of intellectual property entered the international debate. If embargo, still exists differences in the form as the right of the intellectual property or right denominated ones of intellectual property related to the commerce (Trips) in the United States and Europe are estimated. But as far as the South, the departments of investigation of the great agrarian and pharmaceutical partnerships of both hemispheres have the same basic interest to defend a monopolistic position in the area of the biotechnologies against which they have the abundance of the genetic raw material, that is to say in front of the countries of the South.

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