Official Hygiene Smiley

The official hygiene smiley is introduced from 01 July 2011 in Berlin and presented in five different shades. The official hygiene smiley is introduced from 01 July 2011 in Berlin and presented in five different shades. In addition, official certificate of inspection of the control will be published the decision confirmed this the Berlin Senate […]

North Property

In spite of the concerted efforts that become, the most important obstacles are the great political, economic and legal influence of the nations of the North in the international organizations (World Bank, the UN, the international registry of patents, etc.) and the power economic of international the pharmaceutical industry (especially in the United States) Rmpzyk […]

Choosing Windows For Their Homes

The main conductors of which together with the entrance doors are high quality wooden windows. On their quality depends not only on the external impression of the house, but also its safety. How, then, the criteria required to meet modern windows? First, they must be attractive and easy to use, and secondly, a well-protected apartment […]