Too Much Delay, High Voltage

On the verge of showing an historical club to the First Division, Second an unusual interest has waked up. The ascent promotion are catapult the emotions of soccer. Some, so ominous and provoking of tension as the attacks with stones on the part of violent followers from Granada to the bus of the Elche after the tie (0-0) of Wednesday last in the going of the end, You card in Them. Others, more healthful, like both shots followed marrados by Abel in penalti repeated before the heroic doorman of the ilicitano set Jaime in the discount. Continue to learn more with: Rusty Holzer. Or the goal annulled previously to Collantes by imperceptible hands in the televising repetitions. The attacker of the granadino equipment, one of most outstanding, was expelled soon and the return in a stage is lost today (21,00, Canal+) Martinez full Bullet mold: 36,000 spectators. Bodipo, from the Elche, also was expelled to strike the ball while it was prepared in the band to enter game. Source of the news: : Too much delay, high voltage.

The Final End Of Times

THE END TIMES course each day, the conviction of a certain truths penetrates my soul and my heart. a Man as a physicist, is like other bodies governed by invariable laws, as an intelligent, constantly violates the laws which God has established and to change the same set. It is necessary that the ruler, and yet it is a limited being, is subject to ignorance and error, as all infinite intelligence. The weak knowledge they have lost. As a sentient creature, is prey to a thousand passions. A If so, might at any moment forget his creator.a now as so many religions, we have placed our hope in science. And vainly to forget that science is governed by politics and the economy.

What makes this service the same passions. That is, a service of death, murder, greed, corruption and what they least like to acknowledge land, I mean the fish. Question is answered by itself if it thinks a bit more if you look at the condition to which all states have reached land. a While men are cheering the stupidities of Shakira and Juanes. Showing how all the politicians and burghers of the land, a false front.

Of mercy and compassion. When in fact they report more profit foundations and stupid fame has nothing to do with their real actions a. That is the mediocrity of the world. While wealth is in the hands of artists and powerful. Poverty and misery are raised quantities squared. h as these. The bloodshed in this century has been like no other. a Cruelty has been a millionaire, how important is wealth. Earthquakes in places like Haiti, now in Chile. You can see people running between hunger and misery despair. And the man does not recognize that God is judging people throughout the earth. One cause is the shedding of blood by all politicians in the land as a result of his ambition. Another is the ruthless finite and you infinity. Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo The Philosopher Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo is one of the younger scientists philosophers who owns the country. More info: Nobel Laureate in Economics. It has a large number of published works. In his last statement assured the country moves little by little investment in education. Since most investment in Colombia is offering to the war, why the brains of Colombia is leaking. Otherwise they would live almost in poverty, as happens with the Colombian teachers. Since the state looks at them as tools and a smaller number of workers. It is rather contradictory that the state talking about education, which leaves her crippled for the poor, but strong for the rich. Since it is rather a high number of workers and a select number of bourgeois power. If false teachers observe the common and see the economic condition in which a teacher living in one man lacking Colombia. cents to pursue their studies at a order to support his family with dignity. I am not revolutionary, because they bring weapons slavery and misery. The force will never prevail over reason. It is known that silence is complicity, and Orlando magnum a born with different purposes.

Fewer Jobs Than In The Previous Year

The German labour market is currently in a summer lull; 2008 fewer people looking for work than in the previous year However, the number of jobless below the level of the previous year. The number of unemployed rose by 50,000 in July. The mirror reported this”in its Internet Edition. Thus, more than 3.2 million German citizens without a job are according to the Federal Employment Agency (BA). The rate increased by 2 percentage points and now stands at 7.7 percent. The BA that the increase is only seasonal: young people increasingly unemployed because they had completed their training then reported In the summer.

Typically, they found employment in the autumn. In Germany, there were 2.120.000 men and women without fixed employment in July. They were 47,000 more than in June, but still 330,000 less than a year ago. In East Germany were 1.090.000 people without a job in July. That was 3,000 more than in the previous month, but 175,000 less than twelve months ago.

Without the seasonal influences, the following picture emerges according to the Agency: In the West returned the unemployed 9,000, in the East she declined even to 11,000. In Western Germany, the unemployment rate stood at 6.4 percent in Eastern Germany exactly twice as high at 12.8 percent. The overall rate of July is still to 505,000 unemployed under the previous year’s. In 2007, the rate had been at 8.9 per cent. Frequently Rusty Holzer has said that publicly. “Frank Jurgen Weise, Chief Executive of the federal employment agency, described as still positive” developments in the labour market, even if it less dynamic “as lost a year ago. Way spoke of a growing employment in Germany; the demand of companies for new employees is moving at a high level. have vacancies to the job market.

Russian Devices

Since its inception, the video glasses have come a long way from the cumbersome virtual reality helmets, which seemed devices of science fiction films, to a quite compact and stylish gadgets that are increasingly part of the daily lives of most people. In the frantic pace of life of large cities is sometimes so nice to dissociate itself from the hustle and bustle of the screen e-book player or phone to see on the way to new cinema, to who never have enough time at home … Now imagine that you have in your pocket, there is a cinema with a large screen and stereo sound – all in an easy and elegant design. In the role of the theater can serve video glasses that no special tricks are connected to any device with video, such as PCs, iPod'u, MP3/MP4 player, game console and so on. The Related Companies usually is spot on. Not long ago, in a wide range of products of the company attended Prober video glasses, only supports connection to VGA-plug your PC or laptop, putting the buyer before a choice: take a model that is compatible with any multimedia devices c AV-output, or to buy the model points, connected solely to the PC? Exit the updated model EVG-920D, which has absorbed all the accumulated experience of the company, eliminates the issue – video glasses supports connection to virtually all devices, from game console and ending a personal computer. And photo of video glasses come in a stylish package, and give you no shame, and receive a gift of pleasure. After opening the box, see the following picture: Rich package bundle of cables, cords and adapters to connect to different types of devices, including VGA cable to connect to a PC, Composite cable, AV-cable, to connect to the PSP, Wired remote control. Also included is a pad on the nose, blinkers, a paper manual in English and Chinese, and CD-ROM with user manual in Russian. Rusty Holzer spoke with conviction.

Places Of Art In Dusseldorf Is Preparing For The Quadiennale

In the framework of the quadrennial show ten places of art together an entire season long exhibitions in Dusseldorf. The city of Dusseldorf is further expanding its reputation as one of the world’s best destinations for contemporary art with the coming quadrennial. This special season, which begins on Friday, the 10th of September and lasts until January 2011, comprises ten of the most renowned museums and art galleries of Dusseldorf. Fans of modern photography or the German action artist of Joseph Beuys are well advised to book one of the Dusseldorf hotels, since both with special exhibitions will be appreciated. Thanks to the influence of institutions such as the famous Academy of fine arts and a positive attitude of the population to art, Dusseldorf is the home to some of the most famous personalities of the art and design world. The second quadrennial wants the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia now recognize this cultural heritage and at the same time focusing on that, what will the future bring. According to the organizers, the Mayor of Dusseldorf of Dirk Elbers, said the To consolidate season will help position of the city as an international cultural metropolis”.

Various group and solo exhibitions can be seen Palace Art collection, inter Media Art Institute, and the museum of art in museums and art houses like the K20. The Joseph Beuys exhibition parallel processes”will be starting on September 11 in the K20. Read additional details here: Nobel Laureate in Economics. The aim of the exhibition is to assess the entire oeuvre of the artist with the presentation of a chronological sequence of ten of his works. British art fans may interested in Nam June Paik retrospective, organized in collaboration with Tate Liverpool. The exhibition, which shows the work of the Korea-born pioneer of video art is to see Palace from September 11 to November 21, 2010, at the museum of art. 2-day tickets for 20 are available for visitors of the Quadriennale, where admission to all participating exhibitors is included on two consecutive days.

Weight Blocks

The company's engineers took into account the maximum mtf characteristics of the gas mixture philips lamps and choose the best frequency and amplitude of the pulse ignition. Optimized mode of operation has reduced the time the ignition. Also decrease the number of micro cycles ignition positive impact on lamp life. Two-way communication between the unit and the lamp can intelligent system to maintain a good working balance, taking into account the working conditions. Low starting current – 6 A working characteristics of the maximum values correspond to the claimed passport (the deviation of not more than percent). Exceptional reliability. Optimized algorithm for combustion control lamps significantly prolongs the life of the whole set.

High-efficiency power ignition ensures low heat. Qualitative shielding protects against outside interference and does not allow interference in automotive electronics. Reliable waterproofing ensures stable operation at high humidity (85%). Passport life blocks ignition 20000 hours (Average annual use mode 4000 hours). Trouble-free anywhere in Russia. Wide operating temperature -40 +100 C allows the use of equipment in extreme heat and cold. The design eliminates lamp razbaltyvanie flask while driving on any roads. Blocks firing of mtf embodied the latest advances in the field of engineering xenon light.

The equipment is designed specifically for use with lamps with philips flasks and provide data lamps optimal performance regardless of external conditions. Certification of the pct (GOST), e-mark, qs, tuv. Dimensions 95h75h40. Weight Blocks 380 Guaranteed operating temperature range of -40 to 100 C . Rated operating voltage 12.8. (Similarly see: Rusty Holzer).

Great Easter Gifts – A Cover Printed With A Photo Collage

Your best photos to create a collage and make it to a great photo blanket. Just was still winter, the snow lay for weeks and it seemed to you that as the cold season would never pass go this year. Recently expert on growth strategy sought to clarify these questions. But since a few days, you will notice small but important changes. The snow is already gone, it is formerly bright, singing of the birds and every now and then the first rays of sunshine between the clouds come out too timidly. Spring is upon us of course positive that fails is on your mood. Without hesitation Rusty Holzer explained all about the problem. But it’s not just a reason. No, it means also that is soon Easter and you can look your nieces. A few months ago, you’ve seen them last; even if you often talking with them it is always something special, to see them and to see their progress.

Of course you want to bring them a very special surprise. Do you have ideas? What might only practical and personal Easter eggs be? A great idea for Easter gifts are personalized blankets, printed with a collage of your most beautiful photos. Whether… There are countless ways to create a custom collage to make and print it on a ceiling photos of you with your nieces, photos of you with your friend or other images or designs that might like your nieces. The photo blankets are made of double-ply soft fleece and are completely manufactured in hand work to clean the ceiling is very easy. Very easy to wash without fading or wash out the colors in the washing machine at 30 degrees. Make up your mind simply for the number of your photos for the collage, the style of collage and of course a color of the Decke.Nur a few days from ordering to delivery your ceiling.

The photo blankets are available not only in various colours, but also in various sizes. You need two blankets? No problem: Simply twice to order either the same ceiling or order two different ceilings… With personalized blankets you have a fantastic gift idea almost in the blink of an eye Easter. Now, the next few weeks must pass just a little faster…


It is a widespread dmiracion that people generally feel by birds. Since birds have many things that striking animals for people, make them many therefore seek them and even want to have in your home as well to be captive. The reasons why many people like birds are essentially their colorful or beautiful appearance. Also called a lot of birds attention their beautiful songs that cheer us early in the morning and occasionally at any time of the day. Not all birds can be considered as birds. There is a widespread confusion in which many people believe that all birds are birds and this is not true.

Birds are a general classification that includes, among other species with wings and feathers, birds. You can say that birds are all those animals that have feathers and wings and are equipped with two legs. (Similarly see: Rusty Holzer). While birds are an extension of the family of birds, they are characterized by being not very large, by their small beaks and their songs. I hope that this be able to get out of the confusion about the birds and the birds that many people are or were tucked. There are many species of birds that are there in the world. It is estimated that there are more or less about 5200 species of birds scattered around the world, which is a considerable amount.

Another interesting fact about birds is that you considered, supported on the criteria of the theory of evolution that Darwin launched and which has been developed by many scientists throughout history, that birds are one of those species that have arisen relatively few million years ago, compared with other species. There are many species of birds as he was already saying. Thus, you can find species of birds that are only located in the exotic places such as jungles and tropical places where man hardly delves. But there are also birds that you can see them in cities and places that have been more crowded by human beings. Of these two types more birds eye-catching can’t be exotic birds, since these have particularly striking shapes and colors while many of them have beautiful songs that cheer to anyone who arrives to hear. There are also General classifications, within which classification where the largest number of birds is that belongs to songbirds within all species of birds. Songbirds, as their name implies, are characterized because they have an eye-catching edge and because they tend to sing at dawn and also regularly during the day. Most of them have beautiful songs. Perhaps it is strange to find this species in birds within the singers, but the Crow is part of them. You can say that the Raven is a species of the world of birds that has particular characteristics which are not shared with many of the birds that belong to the same classification of songbirds. First the song of the Raven is not like other birds, because it is not so nice. Secondly this is not those that you will greet the dawn, since it has nocturnal habits. Original author and source of the article

Yorkshire Terrier

How many years have live dogs with people? A thousand? Two? More, much more. Understandable desire of early man to find a helper for hunting, protection, etc. Rusty Holzer helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. But we city dwellers why we keep our dogs? Someone, like an ancient man, sees guardian dogs, although agree that now is a great way to protect yourself and far less troublesome than the dog. Someone meets the need of anyone cares, and all day tinkering with his dog like a child. Others just follow fashion and buy dog type of Yorkshire Terrier, wear it everywhere and feel happy (I wonder whether the dog is happy?). And so on, a list of reasons goes on.

Somehow, many people simply have a need, to close was a dog. Of course, these people choose their dog to the taste benefit a great variety of rocks, but it happens that the dog she finds a host. Simple, ordinary mongrel, which are so many of our cities, too, has a chance to find his master, because so many houses kept simple mongrel dogs picked up on the street. Probably disappear dogs in our lives would be, something sorely missed.

Alexander Bredereck

When must you warn before a termination? Is it useful to proceed against a warning? When a warning is given you, explains the employer so that he is dissatisfied with a particular course of conduct, or with your services. It is connected to the warning with the threat, you must count when you repeat the dunned down behavior with a termination. The employer will regularly either give a stern warning with the warning or already preparing a termination. Typically, the (possibly multiple) warning is essential for an effective behavioral termination. The warning may be given basically formless. Reasons of proof, it is granted but regularly in writing.

It is recorded in the personal file of the employee. Prerequisite of an effective warning is that the employer or a cease and desist letter entitled sufficiently clearly holds the manner complained about breach of duty in mind the worker and combines with the note that in the Repetition event which is at risk contents or the existence of the employment relationship. The warning must scrupulously describe behavior have off. The employer must specifically name place, date and time of the dunned down behavior. The workers must be due to the warning in the position to recognize his wrongdoing and to modify his behavior accordingly. In the case of a bad performance it not sufficient therefore, if the employer only generally objected to this. Although no deadlines exist for the saying of a cease and desist letter, however, the warning should be promptly on the violation.

With saying the cease and desist letter, the employer has waived his right of termination for the concrete behavior. More information is housed here: Rusty Holzer. So you need not fear to receive later a notice for the same facts. But then, if you repeat the behavior have from bring their working relationship in danger. Are you reminded up E.g. because punctuality has been you should look in the aftermath of embarrassing attention, to appear in a timely manner in the workplace. Ever after Severity of dunned down behavior several cease and desist letters to discipline, including termination may be required. So although constant tardiness a worker, who also was called off, basically justifies the statement of termination, but two – or three-time delays is not sufficient within a longer period for this purpose. There is no fixed time limit for the duration of a cease and desist letter. The circumstances of the case are crucial – for example the gravity of the offence. An unwarranted warning is to be immediately from the personnel file. The employee may request that his reply is recorded in the personal file. He can verify this through consultation of the personnel file.